Overcoming Technology Transfer Challenges
The key to a successful tech transfer is for the vendor and the contract manufacturer to anticipate the challenges and come up with a game plan for the solutions to potential challenges.
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Risk Assessment & Test Requirements for Elemental Impurities
Selecting the best risk assessment and analytical testing strategy is key to successful compliance with the new regulations.
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Best Practices for Identifying Development Candidates
The use of Pre-clinical tools to study pharmacokinetics, choose a lead drug candidate and move that product into development.
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Putting The Patient First When Manufacturing OSD Forms
Expert insights on ODT challenges and solutions from European Pharma Manufacturing.
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Technical Guide for Solid Dispersion Development
Get the steps involved in the development and manufacturing of an ASD via the spray drying process.
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The Formulation Complex
Tips and advice on overcoming the most common formulation mishaps and why beginning with the end in mind is crucial.
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From Candidate to Clinic
Strategies to Select, Assess, Formulate, and Deliver the Right Drug Candidate in the Early Phase.
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Dose Selection Using Preclinical PK Modeling
How pre-clinical tools used in the industry to study pharmacokinetics are used to guide the development of new chemical entities (NCEs).
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Design & Formulation for GLP Toxicology Studies
Evaluate critical areas in the drug development process to help ensure a successful toxicology study.
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Review and Analysis of FDA Approved Drugs Using Lipids
A review and quantitative analysis of the molecular properties of approved drugs formulated as lipid systems
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