Zydis® Fast Dissolve Technology Platform

- Better pregastric absorption for certain drug compounds
- More efficient delivery
- Ideal for certain indications
- Protection from counterfeiting
- A wider range of application:
- Dysphagia
- Pediatric and geriatric application
- Fast Onset
- Ease of use
- A wide range of therapeutic areas
- Anti-psychotic (Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia)
- Anti-emetic (Travel sickness)
- Gastro (Diarrhea, Constipation)
- Allergy (Anti histamine, immunotherapy)
- Anxiolytic (Anti-depressants)
Case Study: Zydis® Fast Dissolve Technologies – Rapid Onset in the Treatment of Migraine
- High level of customer preference
- Enhanced market appeal
- Rapid onset of action
- Multiple colors and shapes
- Embossing with corporate logos and product codes
- Unique packaging, including child-resistant options
- Taste masking and flavors formulated for specific markets, including pediatrics and veterinary medicine
- Same dissolution profile
- Greater taste masking capabilities
- Increased doses > 400mg
- Functional coating for controlled / sustained release applications
- High speed manufacturing
- On-line printing for flexible solutions
- Wider range of application
Ideal for consumer health (OTC), and to mask bitter or strong tasting API
The challenges of oral delivery of proteins & peptides well documented and are not limited to:
- pH
- Peptidase & proteolytic enzyme activity
- Potential interaction with other constituents of GI fluids
- High molecular weight
Zydis® Bio sub-lingual delivery overcomes these challenges:
- Avoids harsh environment of GIT
- Use of bio-adhesives / absorption enhancers
- Pre-gastric delivery (e.g. buccal, sublingual, oesophageal)
- pH relatively neutral (5.5 – 7.2 depending on salivary flow rate)
Benefits of Zydis® Bio for peptide & protein drugs
- Potential for sublingual / buccal absorption
- Solid, unit doses presented in protective pack
- Low temperature processing minimizes manufacturing losses of labile drugs
- Solution / suspension dosing achieves good content uniformity for low dose actives
- Solid dosage form and low water activity aids long term stability
- Liquid processing facilitates containment of potent drugs in production
Stage 1 – Mixing
The bulk API is formulated into a liquid solution or suspension.
Stage 2 – Filling and freezing
The liquid is precisely filled into pre-formed blisters and passed through a specially designed cryogenic freezing process to control the ultimate size of the ice crystals.
Stage 3 – Lyophilization
The frozen units are then transferred to large-scale freeze dryers for the lyophilization process.
Stage 4 – Sealing
The blisters containing the dried Zydis® units are then sealed via a heat-seal process to protect the product from varying environmental conditions and ensure long-term stability.

- Feasibility programs & development teams
- Tailored to meet the known product requirements such as API unit dose
- Consideration of the relevant API characteristics identified during the technical evaluation of preformulation data
- A range of prototype Zydis® formulations prepared under different processing conditions (bench-scale); analytical techniques applied as appropriate to determine the compatibility of a candidate API with the Zydis® technology
- Short-term (4 week) accelerated physical stability studies typically undertaken before recommendations for a full development program are made
- Operational excellence and efficiency via Lean Six Sigma principles
- Full in-house analytical and regulatory services
- Full characterization of your API and associated Zydis® formulations via expert analysis and interpretation of data throughout the development process to provide a robust data package in support of regulatory filings
- Smart full-lifecycle management from molecule to market – with Lean efficiency standards
- Expert handling and maximization of potent and controlled drugs
- Bench, pilot, and full-scale cGMP manufacturing
Optical microscopy
Characterizes the API crystal form and identifies any changes during formulation and processing
Freeze-drying microscopy
Identifies critical formulation parameters such as collapse temperature, eutectic/glass transition temperature
Particle size analysis (laser diffraction)
Determines particle size ranges relevant to Zydis® suspension stability for insoluable API
Dynamic Vapor Sorption
Characterizes moisture sorption properties and physical stability of lyophilized formulation in humidity
Characterization of hydrates and polymorphs
X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD)
Characterizes solid-state phrase behavior
Characterization of moisture sorption properties and physical analytical chemistry (HPLC, UV, NIR, FTIR)
Chemical analysis of API in support of preformulation studies (e.g., solubility determinations, compatibility testing)
- Swindon, U.K.
- Research and development
- Pilot line with controlled and potent drug capabilities
- FDA and MCA audited Controlled drug capabilities
All of our sites are subject to annual review so we can remain in highest compliance with:
- Canadian HPB
- British MHRA
- European Community