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Found 183 results in Expert Content

Selecting the Most Suitable Dosage Form Technology for the Oral Delivery of Lipid-Based Formulations
Boosting Bioavailability- How Companies are Using Advanced Technologies to Formulate Complex Molecules
Improving Bioavailability Using PBPK Modeling & Parallel Formulation Screening
High Potency Containment from Early Phase to Commercial Scale Micronization
Developing Optimal Formulations
Integrated Approach to Spray Drying for Optimized Oral and Vaccine Formulations
Amorphous and Co-Amorphous Systems for Poorly Soluble Drugs
Importance of Pediatric Biopharmaceutics in Design and Manufacture of Pediatric Dose Forms
What Makes Lipid Excipients So Special?
Getting Your Molecule From Preclinical Dev to Phase I